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  • Dr Jane Shore

People Based Learning: A New P in PBL

Published on Tuesday, June 28th

We need to add People Based Learning to our conversations around change in schools.

Think back to your favorite teacher as a child. I am going to predict at least one, if not all, of the following three things were true.

  1. They made learning come alive, sharing their own experiences, stories and examples that struck emotions and stuck in your memory.
  2. They connected with you. They personalized your experience with high standards and warm encouragement.
  3. They were your champion.

These qualities facilitate the learning in any setting. They are not qualities that come from a text book or a project or a video activity. These are people qualities.

Psychologist Abraham Maslow developed the the famous ‘hierarchy of needs‘, which places our need to connect with others as secondary only to our survival needs. Attachment theory suggests that a child needs a trusting connection with a caregiver to do well as an adult. Connection to people does not just help us learn, it is a necessary part of learning.

  • Dr Jane Shore

    Director of Research & Community Partnerships, Revolution School.

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