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Back-to-School, Just the Facts!

Published on Friday, August 30th




JUST ADDED: Coffee with Antonio & Ivy

On Tuesday, Sept 10 from 8–9:30am, please join Antonio Williams (Associate Head of School) and Ivy Harris (Director of Community Life) for a coffee and donuts meet and greet on the 19th floor!

DATE CHANGED: Back to School for Parents

Please join us on Thursday, Oct 10 from 4–6pm for Revolution School’s Back to School Night. This is a great opportunity to mingle with our teachers, staff, and other parents — we will talk about our curriculum, special projects, and we’ll provide a tour of our new classroom/office space on the 20th floor! Please do not miss this important 2024-25 orientation where we will detail how best to engage with the school.

Complete Health Forms

Students must return to school with a completed health form and immunization record from your physician. Please return to asap or bring it to Back to School Night. Here is a link to our Physical Examination Form (to use our form).

Complete Student Permission Slips

We must have completed permission slips on all students prior to the first day of school. In order for your student to participate in first day/week activities, please return the form to asap or bring it the first day at Revolution School (for new students, this means Tuesday Sept 3). Here is a link to our Student Permission Slips.

Update Educate

Our ability to reach you is critical, so please visit the Educate portal and update all of your information for the 2024-2025 school year.

Finalize Your Summer Enrichment Assignment

All students must complete their summer assignments: Here is a link to see the summer enrichment to-do list.

Show your school pride with a REV school t-shirt, hoodie, water bottle, or hat… many options available — order today!


Tuesday, Sept 3 — New Student & Family Orientation Day

We look forward to welcoming our new students and families at 8:30am for orange juice and bagels, and for students and parents to mingle. At 9:30am, the parents will depart — our student orientation ends at 3:15pm. Please bring your health forms if you have not already sent them to Carolyn.

Wednesday, Sept 4 — First day of school for all students

The doors will open at 7:45 am for our students, and we will start our day with a pancake breakfast and morning meeting at 8:30 am.

Tuesday, Sept 10 — Coffee with Antonio and Ivy for all families, 8–9:30am

Thursday, Oct 10 — Back to School for parents, 4–6pm


Please review the following important documents prior to the first day of school and bookmark them for future reference:  

Revolution School’s Community Handbook

Revolution School Team 2024-2025

The Educate link please check to make sure your info is up-to-date

Technology Responsible Use Policy

We look forward to seeing you!


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