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  • Event On Monday, 27th October

Revolution School hosting 4 open houses this fall

Warren Berger, author of A More Beautiful Question, says kids ask an average of 40,000 questions between the ages of 2 and 5. But somewhere along the way, especially when we start going to school, we stop publicly asking questions.

Questioning is critical to learning and solving problems. This makes it surprising that, for the most part, we still don’t actively encourage questioning or teach it to young people. Though much of a workday, school day or a day in the life is spent asking questions, unless you are preparing for a career in law, medicine or journalism, where questioning is your work, it’s rare that this skill is actually taught in classrooms.



  • Dr. Jane R. Shore

    Director of Research
  • Dr. Jane R. Shore

    Director of Research
  • Dr. Jane R. Shore

    Director of Research
  • Dr. Jane R. Shore

    Director of Research
Questions bring us growth. Copyright: Janie Bird

The Big Idea H2

Questioning is critical to learning and solving problems. This makes it surprising that, for the most part, we still don’t actively encourage questioning or teach it to young people. Though much of a workday, school day or a day in the life is spent asking questions, unless you are preparing for a career in law, medicine or journalism, where questioning is your work, it’s rare that this skill is actually taught in classrooms.

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  • Weekly at 9:30 or 10:30, Revolution School

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