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Weekly Newsletter #53

Published on Friday, November 18th

Behind the Scenes ? Graffiti walking tour

What We’re…

? Celebrating: A very successful Revolution Potluck and the generosity of the Revolution Community! Thanks you all for the delicious food, the wonderful company, and your Revolution families generosity in supporting our We Are Revolution School campaign. Your gift helps us get closer to 100%!

 ? Planning: Thanksgiving Break is next week and Revolution School will be closed Wednesday, November 23—Monday, November 28. School will open Tuesday, November 29th. Due to the short week next week, we will not be sending home a newsletter.

? Sharing: Information on how you help support Revolution School as a donor and a fundraiser. It’s easy! Please share the link to our giving page OR sign up to become a fundraiser for our school. Simply set your own goal and share your personalized fundraising page with friends and family!

SketchNoting Club Starts 12/5, 3:30pm (for all) SketchNoting is a skill used to help students focus and concentrate that involves turning written words into visuals. The first of three afterschool gatherings will be on Monday, Dec. 5th. Students interested in learning to SketchNote should contact Jane

Networking Club Starts 11/22, 2:45pm (for 11/12 grade) Revolution School is partnering with Real World Leaders Radio to bring interested 11/12th graders together with CEOs and other employees from various industries. There are two opportunities and ways to connect:

  1. Participate in a Career Conversation (45 minute-1 hour connections where students ask questions and get to know what a field or particular job might be like.)
  2. Join the Real World Leader Radio Show (students connect with CEOs for a taped radio broadcast to learn from one another.)
Either of these opportunities are a wonderful way to put into practice what students are learning in fieldwork about effective questioning, network and building relationships.

Upcoming Field Work:

Fieldwork at Revolution on December 1st, 8th and 15th is being tailored to the group area of interest. The four interest groups are:

  • Real Estate/Finance and Building: Sodd, Jaida, Kysiir, Tas A, Tas Ar, Anwar, Aveon, Arli
  • Safe Streets: Michael, Titus, Anthony, Maria, Journey, Mae
  • Beautification: Sudan, Gre, and Miah
  • Fashion: Chrisma, Makayla, Hailey and Donald

Fieldwork site partner connections on 12/1 will all be held in offices at 230 S. Broad. The four groups will be meeting with   insiders/informants from Real Estate/Finance and Building (real estate developer Tony Hayden, and Real Estate financier Jeff Mack), Safe Streets (Broad Street Ministry DeEscalation specialists), Beautification (Mural Arts) and Fashion (Lelah Techkna, who owns a sustainable fashion Line. Partners will be giving presentations and students will have prepared questions related to their project.

On 12/8, students will all be traveling out to connect with partners at sites in the city. Real Estate/Finance and Building will be doing a hard hat tour at the Beury Building with faculty lead Dirk Parker, and the owners of Owner’s Rep (Jim Curry, former teacher) and Shift Capital (Alex Robles). Students have already met both partners.

Beautification & Fashion will be traveling to Drexel University to see a piece of art at 31st and Chestnut and then gathering at the ExCITe Center at 3141 Chestnut Street to meet with makers at the Maker Space who are going to talk about beautification, fashion and safe streets. Members of Mural Arts and the Drexel University Fashion department will share what they do, how and to answer questions the students have prepared.

Impact Center Workshop: As a part of our work in identifying problems and/or opportunities that students want to dive into for our Fieldwork in Quarter 2, students engaged with one of our founding educators, Deb Borden and youth leader Morgan Moore from Impact@Cobbs Creek Center. Deb and Morgan walked through the process RVTLN students are engaging in to start their fieldwork—identifying opportunities and working to investigate and gather input/ feedback. They shared the seed of their idea and how they are building it into a community-informed state-of-the-art Education and Community Engagement Center designed to bring resources to the children of the surrounding communities of West Philadelphia and Upper Darby.

Graffiti Artists: Students in all grades are currently engaging in a three-week mini-unit about modern street graffiti. Students are applying their research skills from fieldwork to develop questions about graffiti that they then use to collect information from documentaries, readings, and visiting writers. By studying graffiti, students learn multiple perspectives on the culture and develop a literacy and critical lens around the marks they see every day in their city. Students will use their notes to synthesize an expository MLA-style one-pager about a chosen topic within graffiti. On Thursday, writers GBAT and BREAD talked to students about how they got into graffiti, why they do it, and what makes Philadelphia’s graffiti unique. Students were engaged and asked them many of their planned questions. On Monday, visiting writers KRAB, Joel, and Sydnie took the students on a walking tour northeast of Revolution; KRAB talked to the students as they asked him questions, and he stopped to point out the different types of graffiti we passed. On Tuesday, thanks to Dirk’s connections, students will hear from Cornbread, who is often credited as being the first modern graffiti writer. He and a couple other old-school Philadelphia writers will do a Q&A with students to close out the graffiti unit.

Teen Author Talk: Varishini Prakash, author of the Winning The Green New Deal: Why We Must, How We Can joined us to talk to us as a part of the Free Library’s Teen Author Series. Each Revolution student received a copy of her new book. This book will be incorporated into Dirk’s Environmental Science class, where students will be looking at the effects of Climate Change.

  • Due November 29th: Common App Worksheet: Please ask your student to share his/her worksheet and complete it together to meet the deadline!
  • PA State College Fair on Wednesday, November 30 (details below)
  • We will be scheduling Family Future Ready meetings on December 1st and 2nd to confirm the Future Ready path for every student. A note will go home to all Senior families through Educate early next week with a calendly link.

  • Wednesday, November 23 – Monday, November 28: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
  • Saturday, December 17 – Monday, January 2: School Closed: Winter Break
  • Tuesday, January 3: Classes Resume

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