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Weekly Newsletter #9

Published on Friday, October 15th

Behind the scenes ? enjoying the beautiful weather at our new favorite park!

October Conferences and School Tours!

This quarter, we’re looking forward to connecting with you on your student’s educational experience and new learning environment through student-led parent conferences and optional school tours*.

Student-led parent conferences will all be virtual. Remember, spots fill up fast, so make sure you sign up now to get the spot you want. Sign up by advisory here:

Individual family school tours are in-person, on-campus and can be scheduled during the school day starting the week of November 1. CLICK HERE to save your spot!

*At this time, we require all individuals be fully immunized to visit on-campus

Announcing ASSET

Next week (starting Tuesday, October 19th), we will launch a new program offering for all our students, called ASSET (After School Student Enrichment Time).

Three days per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), the hour and 15 minutes immediately following the last class of the day (3:45 – 5:00) will be devoted to extra study–and/or tutoring–time for those students who need it or opt to take advantage of this opportunity.

ASSET will be required for students with missing work or those earning grades below C in at least one course, or at any teacher’s discretion. Attendance is not optional or voluntary for those meeting these criteria.

As soon as students complete all their missing assignments or bring all grades above C, these ASSET hours will revert to optional, voluntary study hours.

Attendance rosters for each week will be determined by staffulty every Monday, and communicated to students and families. Students required to stay for these study hours on Monday must stay all 3 ensuing days that week. Their status will be re-evaluated weekly on Monday.

Students who miss a mandatory ASSET session will have a meeting with their advisor and the Head of School, with a follow-up communication shared with parent or guardian. We hope–and trust–that this new initiative will serve our students and community well.

Have questions? Reach out to Mike:

During Friday Field Work last week, the 11th and 12th graders walked to the Museum of the American Revolution, where they had a private tour with an extremely engaging guide. The timing fit perfectly with the US history curriculum as students had just read and discussed the Declaration of Independence. Joel was thrilled when students answered the tour guide’s questions about that famous list of grievances against King George III! Yesterday, they wrote a short paper comparing the Declaration to Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and discussed the propaganda that they saw the museum which will tie into a continuing study of evaluating sources and identifying journalistic biases and fake news.

School has just started but we’re already recruiting students for next year! Last week, our friends from St. James School toured our new space. If you know someone who is interested in Revolution School, we’d be delighted to have them visit, too! Just have them contact Justine directly to schedule a Fall Visit.

Parent Conferences
Friday, October 29

November Parent Hour
Monday November 1, 7:00 – 8:00 PM,
Join the ZOOM Room:
Meeting ID: 819 4099 4911 Passcode: 967526

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