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Weekly Newsletter 11/17/23

Published on Friday, November 17th

Sending: Good wishes to everyone this Thanksgiving! Good food that fills your table, good health as you work hard, and good times with family and friends. May you have all the best delights in life. Happy Thanksgiving!

Celebrating: Friendsgiving at Revolution School on Tuesday, November 20 with a holiday menu for all students and faculty members!

Nine Revolution School students attended the UArts Underground Pool open mic — and Sudan and Caroline shared some of their writing with the audience! 

? 2023-2024 Academic Calendar

2023-2024 Schedule Q2

? 2023-2024 Advisors: Families, please reach out to your child’s advisor with any questions that you may have as we begin the new year.

College Funding Webinar

If we missed you, no worries, you can still learn What Every Parent Needs to Know Now about Paying Less for College. This video link will only be available through December so be sure to view it soon. 

Next Step: We are providing our 9th–12th grade families with a no-cost, no-obligation, professional College Funding Evaluation because we know how important the financial piece of college planning is, and that it starts as early as 9th grade. We highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to ‘stress-test’ your current funding plans.

  1. Create your complimentary SMARTTRACK Parent account
  2. Answer the general questions in the quick Assessment (this is necessary in order to get personalized, professional feedback!)
  3. Get your confidential Evaluation

If you already have an account, bookmark this page to login anytime. One parent account per household. We hope you’ll take advantage of these valuable resources.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we are extending the deadline for our Fall 2023 Revolution Membership Drive goal of 100% participation from our Revolution Families to November 30, 2023. Many thanks to all who have given, and special recognition to the faculty for their 100% participation!

Our annual membership drive funds a wide range of Revolution School activities that help our students and our school thrive. Please know it’s not the amount of your donation — any contribution you provide underscores that we are all in this together!

Help Make a Difference! Text 1M to 91999

Beable Contest — Read to win a $20 gift card

Revolution School and Beable are hosting a competition: the student who reads the most in November will earn a $20 gift card from Dunkin’ Donuts! The winner will be announced November 21.

Students at Museums in Philly (STAMP) = free admission to museums!

Through STAMP, any Philadelphia high school student can visit 20 museums and cultural sites for free. Just show your high school student ID and enjoy the STAMP discount. Click here for the list of participating museums.

SDLC Fundraiser

Check out the hoodie and shirt design that Gré made using Procreate on iPad! Order your hoodie or shirt by November 28 — all proceeds go toward the Student Diversity Leadership Conference fundraiser. This year Don, Michael, Cami, Mae, and Hailey are attending!

Tuesday, November 21Friendsgiving Celebration for students & faculty at Revolution School, 12:15-1:15 pm.

Wednesday November 22–Monday November 27 — Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday, November 28 — Classes resume

Kimora visited a comic book seminar class at UArts with Lillie, a UArts student who helped with our CJ Gross collage workshop!

Fieldwork to Swarthmore College

During Asset, students work with Joel to prepare for a US History test.

Students discover the importance of clear communication in a community meeting exercise led by Symphony and Anthony Wallace.

Old school paper football with Dirk!

In World Wednesday, Anthony shares the past, present and future of his favorite sport, lacrosse! Go Philly Waterdogs — our city’s brand new pro team!

Mae and Hailey reviewing math!


Learn with Leaders: AI and ML Bootcamp

Cultivate your acumen in Python, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. The AI and ML Bootcamp is 2-weeks of power-packed skills in Python, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning under the guidance of qualified student mentors. The program allows high school students to learn in-depth about structuring the algorithms and utilizing codes to formulate their own Fake News Detector. To apply for the program: Click Here!

The Photography Program in the School of Art at the University of the Arts is pleased to announce a Call for Entry for their Spring 2024 Juried Photo Exhibition, A Sense of Place.

Celebrating the creativity of regional high school students, they invite applicants to submit lens-based work that expresses their interpretations of 

  • Community
  • Personal Sanctuary
  • Home

Selected photographs will be showcased in the Photography Program Gallery, located in Center City, Philadelphia from April 13–May 4.

Students are to submit up to three individual entries, along with a completed permission form with parental/guardian consent for those under the age of 18. After the selection process, students have the option to mail/drop off their work at UArts. For students who do not have access to printing facilities or who are unable to deliver/mail their printed photographs to the university, the Photography Program will provide free inkjet printing. Eligible winners will receive scholarship awards to study in their 2024 Pre-College Summer Institute Art, Media & Design program; award amounts go up to the full cost of tuition. Senior students will be eligible for alternate prizes.


Interesting Articles and Resources

  • Teens Spend Average of 4.8 Hours on Social Media Per Day Gallup
  • “The Myths of the Thanksgiving Story and the Lasting Damage They Imbue” Smithsonian
  • Thursday, November 30 at 7:30 pm EST How to Raise a Self-Driven Child with Ned Johnson. Join author and expert Ned Johnson to learn why fostering a healthy sense of control is so important for childrens’ intrinsic motivation, success, mental health, and happiness. Parents and caregivers will learn how to pivot from manager to parent consultant, how to be a non-anxious presence and will leave with effective strategies to use with children ranging in age from tots to teens. Use this link to register to watch the program live. The same link will be used after the program to access the Zoom recording.

Do you have news or announcements that you want to share with the school community? Is there information you’d like to see featured here? Please share your ideas! Email

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