Behind the scenes in Old City.
Save the Date
We’ll be hosting a graduation and moving up celebration on Saturday, June 11. Stay tuned–more details to come!
Upcoming RVLTN Family Circle
Join 11th-grade parent Gina Moore for a family circle focused on college and life after Revolution School. This will be an opportunity for families talk with one another, share ideas, and support one another.
When: Thursday, April 21 @ 5:30
Where: Revolution School
Reminder! Bring Your Calculators to Class
Students should bring school issued calculators labeled with their names each day to math and science classes.
Summer REVternship Update
We are thrilled to be gearing up for our inaugural summer REVternships. Preparation is already in full swing. This week, 11th graders met Erica Woods, the Associate Director of Admissions at Villanova University, to talk about interviewing for internships, jobs, college and life! Next week, we will practice these skills in preparation for our first meeting with REVternship host organizations on April 22.
As a reminder, the REVternship program is a UNIQUE to Revolution School program in which students choose from a variety of hand picked organizations and people to engage in 60 total hours (ideally over 4-6 weeks) of meaningful work for which they will receive a stipend. The program is mandatory. For more details and list of current host organizations, CLICK HERE or watch this brief video https://youtu.be/lbtH8PLJvnY .

Preparing for Summer REVternship interviews with Erica Woods, Associate Director of Admissions at Villanova University.

Penn students who are developing a time management app designed for students pitched the Jochi App to Revolution School students on Monday.

A 9th grade role-play covered a critical part of the French Revolution, the trial of King Louis XVI (played by Ms. Jeanne). Students each researched and played a real character who participated in the trial, and as in real history, the king was found guilty and sentenced to execution. (Of course we did not use a guillotine.) Some student were shocked to learn that their character was suddenly put on trial as well.

Printmaking demo.
School Closed (Easter & Passover)
Friday, April 15 – Monday, April 18
RVLTN Family Circle
Thursday, April 21, 5:30 PM
May Parent Hour
Monday, May 2, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Join the ZOOM Room: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81940994911
Meeting ID: 819 4099 4911 Passcode: 967526
School Closed (Eid al Fitr and PD Day for Staffulty)
Monday, May 3
Last Day of School
Friday, June 10
Graduation & Moving Up Celebration
Saturday, June 11