Prom 2024 is on May 31 for Grades 9–12 from 6:30–9:30pm on the Spirit of Philadelphia. If you wish to pay online, please pay using this link. For permission forms and day-of information, please click here!
Honoring AAPI Voices: May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to honor and explore the rich cultures and contributions of this diverse community.
May Birthdays: Anthony Bracy 5/5; Avery Gilmore 5/18; Kimora Allen 5/28
Thank you to cooking instructor Markell Reid for her class on nutrition as part of our Health Matters speaker series. The students loved trying miracle berries as a sensory experiment to help us be more mindful when we eat. If you have any feedback on this spring’s speakers, please reach out to our Wellness Coordinator as we develop the curriculum for next year!
Business Communications Workshop — Grades 11 and 12
As a part of our Future Ready Curriculum, Stafford Wood (President of Covalent Logic, a strategic communications agency) will be leading a workshop she created for our 11th and 12th grade students to learn and strengthen the essential communication skills for success in any workplace. Stafford will be holding her workshop from May 20–31.
Dual Enrollment with Community College of Philadelphia
11th and 12th grade students in good academic standing have the opportunity to take up to 4 courses per year at Community College of Philadelphia. All students interested in taking a class must make an appointment with Jeanne by Thursday, May 23.
Prom 2024
All Revolution students are invited to attend Prom on May 31 from 6:30–9:30pm! Click HERE for all the information you will need leading up to the event as well as day-of instructions! And please click here to make a payment.
Please click this link to tell us if you are coming and how many tickets you need. This is an all-school event for friends and family of students in grades 9-12.
Field Work Details — Thursday May 23
Grades 9–10
Students will be viewing the film Chan Is Missing and will have the opportunity to discuss it afterward with members of the Pennsylvania Asian American Film Festival. Students will have their normal lunch block and can choose to pack or buy.
Grades 11–12
Students will be going to Broad Street Love (formerly Broad Street Ministry) for community service fieldwork. They will need an early snack and will be having a late lunch during their Business Communications Workshop with Stafford Wood.
College Essay Guy
Register now for a series of virtual summer college essay boot camps! This series will give students the tools to guide their writing and start next school year with a strong draft of their college essay. This virtual series is completely free to qualifying students! Click here to learn more about the program and claim your spot!
Free Boating Days at FDR Park
Discovery Pathways — an environmental education group in Philly — is offering free community boating days where families can rent rowboats, kayaks, and canoes for 30-minute time slots. No pre-registration is necessary! The boating dates for summer 2024 are May 11, June 8 & 29, July 6, 13, & 27, and August 3, 10, & 17. Check out the flyer for more information!
STAMP: Students at Museums in Philly
Through STAMP any Philadelphia high school student can visit 20 museums and cultural sites for free. Just show your high school student ID and enjoy the STAMP discount. Here is a list of the participating museums!
Visit the STAMP website to learn more.
Monday May 20–31 — Grades 11 and 12 will participate in our first Business Communications Workshop with Stafford Wood.
Friday May 24 — School Closed for Professional Development
Monday May 27 — School Closed for Memorial Day
Friday May 31 — No School | Revolution School Prom: Spirit of Philadelphia | 6:30–9:30pm. Please use this link to make a payment.
Friday June 7 — Yearbook Signing Party at 1:30pm. Please make sure your student arrives in time for this all-school celebration.
Friday June 7 — Graduation & Moving Up Ceremony, 3–5:30pm Please use this link to RSVP.
Grades 9 and 10
Students visited the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation — Sophia Wan gave us a tour of the Crane Community Center and talked about the history of Philadelphia Chinatown in terms of the continued struggle to appeal to outsiders vs. prioritizing its own residents.
Grades 11 and 12
Students continued their work on their documentary films about Philadelphians.
Classroom Highlights
Spanish I/II students made preterite conjugation puzzles.
US History
Students read two important Supreme Court Cases this week: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) served to legalize segregation in southern states, and Brown v. Board of Education (1954) overturned Plessy.
Revolutions & Citizenship
Students have been viewing each others’ Character Dialogue videos and learning about the ways the Industrial Revolution shaped societies.
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
2023-2024 Schedule Q4
2023-2024 Advisors: Families, please reach out to your child’s advisor with any questions.
Grade 9/10: Sydnie, sydnie@revolutionschool.org
Grade 9/10: Patrick, patrick@revolutionschool.org
Grade 11/12: Dirk, dirk@revolutionschool.org
Grade 11/12: Joel, joel@revolutionschool.org
Do you have news or announcements that you want to share with the school community? Is there information you would like to see featured here? Please share your ideas with georgia@revolutionschool.org. Connect others with the Revolution Newsletter by forwarding this email or sharing this link to subscribe to the newsletter.