Behind the Scenes ? Senior Picture Day
What We’re…
? Celebrating: We have raised $324,697 toward our goal of $1 million. Help support Revolution School as a donor and a fundraiser. Please share the link to our giving page or sign up to become a fundraiser for our school. Simply set your own goal and share your personalized fundraising page with friends and family!
? Sharing: We invite all students and the REV team to bring a photo you love for the photo board. Please bring your photo in to celebrate February: the month of love.
2023-2024 Re-enrollment Agreements: Re-enrollment agreements for students in grades 9-11 have been sent out via TADS. Please check your email and reach out to Justine with any questions. To guarantee your student’s space for next year, please return your agreement by March 31, 2023.
Attention Senior Families: A small group of students and families joined us this week to begin planning Revolution culminating activities for the Class of 2023. If you didn’t get a chance to attend, we want to hear from you! Please contribute your ideas here.
New Q3 Schedule: We are excited to announce a new Q3 Schedule for students. Please check your email/ Educate for the full letter with all academic highlights!
ASSET is for everyone: We continue to encourage students to take advantage of ASSET, Mondays-Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00 pm. In addition, all Revolution teachers and staff will post office hours for assistance during break and/or study groups.
Sneakers for Wellness: Students must come prepared with sneakers for Wellness on Mondays and Wednesdays to comply with the rules at Planet Fitness. Students who do not bring sneakers may not do their workout and will need to stay at school during that class time.
Michael Garvey, Director of Forensic Sciences for the City of Philadelphia joined us for an event co-hosted and student-led by Anthony Bracy on Thursday, February 16th.
Mural artists visit Entrepreneurship class.
History of hip-hop presentation during World Wednesday!
Embracing the warm weather (short sleeves in February!) during wellness last week.
- Sunday, February 19, 1:00-6:00 pm, NACAC Virtual Fair. There are several additional virtual fairs in March & April.
- Credential Pathway Program options for Revolution Students 2022-2023
- Parents of Seniors: Please complete the FAFSA financial aid form. This is the best way for most families to get up to $18,000 toward the cost of college. Details are here. (Some colleges will require parents to complete the more detailed CSS Profile form as well as the FAFSA.) If you have questions about either form and/or FA packages, please reach out to or the FAFSA support line 800-433-3243.
- Students can also apply for merit scholarships to help defray college costs. Here is a list of trusted websites for scholarship searching.
- Please remind seniors to check their email every day to look for communications from colleges to which they’ve applied. Schools send out admissions notifications as well as financial aid information by email, and we do not want anything to slip through the cracks.
- Juniors are starting their Future Ready planning! For more details, read this update from Joel and Jeanne.
- Class of 2023: In celebration of the Class of 2023, Ellen Schwartz, an esteemed Revolution School Board member, has generously gifted the students and faculty with an afternoon performance of Hun-Yung Lin Dancers, KyLin’s Garden 麒麟的花園 A Space For Tending, Sharing & Imagination and post-show Q&A. Please save the date, Saturday, March 11, for this special Senior Class Event & send your RSVP to
- Advance College Experience: ACE Your Summer Experience with Us: See what it’s like to be in college with Community College of Philadelphia’s summer ACE (Advanced College Experience) program. An opportunity that you will never forget, ACE provides college-level courses for highly motivated students going into 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grades, as well as students up to age 21 pursuing a high school equivalency credential. Through ACE, you can make new friends, explore a career interest, study timely and relevant issues, and earn college credit.
- Sunday, February 19, 1:00-6:00 pm, NACAC Virtual Fair
- Monday, February 20, School Closed: Presidents’ Day
- Tuesday, March 28, Quarter 3 Progress Reports sent home
- Friday, March 24, End Quarter 3 – Half Day for Students
- Friday, March 31, Re-enrollment contracts due
2022-2023 Academic Calendar
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