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Weekly Newsletter 10-6-23

Published on Friday, October 6th

October Birthdays: Patrick Cassidy (10/2), Kai-Lang Yang (10/7), Amelia Holmes (10/12), and Sudan McNair (10/20)!

The Phillies beat the Florida Marlins in the wild-card series and now face the Atlanta Braves in the National League Division Series! Go Phils!

Things to do in Philly this Fall — Check out this great list in The Philadelphia Citizen

Congratulations to Amelia, Ines, Jan, Makayla, Hailey, and Camelle on their perfect attendance for September! Let’s try for 100% in October!

? 2023-2024 Academic Calendar

2023-2024 Schedule Q1

? 2023-2024 Advisors: Families, please reach out to your child’s advisor with any questions that you may have as we begin the new year.

Support Fall 2023 Revolution Membership Drive! Please help us reach our goal of connecting with every family at Revolution School to raise $5000 with 100% participation by November 15, 2023. Our annual membership drive funds a wide range of Revolution School activities that help our students and our school thrive. Membership is open to families, staff, students, and alumni! Donations are welcome from absolutely everyone. Please share this link with friends and family.

Suggested annual donation for each family is $200, but larger amounts are greatly appreciated. To donate by check, please make it payable to Revolution School and send it to: Revolution School, 230 South Broad Street, Floor 19, Philadelphia , PA 19102.

Help Make a Difference! 

Our first SDLC fundraising effort is live! The Double Good popcorn fundraiser started Tuesday afternoon and ends Saturday Oct 7 at 4:28pm. Ask a Revolution student to share their pop up store link with you to share it with others. We have sold $1260 worth of popcorn so far and raised $400 through our general donation link! Stay tuned for more fundraisers through October and November.

Cousin Mike’s Tasty Tuesday Lunch for Revolution

This week Cousin Mike’s will set up a hot buffet for those who opt in. If you have already paid, please vote in Classroom by the end of the day Friday for the entrees you’d like to see be part of the buffet Tuesday. If you would like to join the lunch program now, you can! Please reach out to Sydnie at

It was a terrific hit this week!

Coming Soon: Math Lab!

We are excited to announce that Katherine Taylor will be hosting a weekly math lab! This highly individualized math enrichment program will begin next Thursday and is designed to support student success. For more information, click here!

Monday October 9 — School closed for Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Tuesday October 10 — A Conversation with author CJ Gross:  7–8pm at the Parkway Central Library’s Skyline Room. Revolution School is hosting groundbreaking author and speaker, CJ Gross, and Philadelphia Revolutionary, Marshall Mitchell, as they examine a simple, but powerful question: What’s Your Zip Code Story? From the classroom to the boardroom, CJ Gross offers research-based strategies to break down bias, build understanding, expand our definitions of inclusion and equity, and ultimately, create an environment where productivity leads to prosperity. Our goal is not just to host an event, but to build a community around educational change and the future of work. RSVP by clicking here.

Thursday October 19 — Revolution School Potluck, 5:30–7:15 pm. Please save the date for our first potluck of the year, hosted by the Revolution School Family Association (RFA).

Friday October 27 — School Closed for Professional Development; End of Quarter

November 2 — Revolution Family Association Meeting, 7:45–8:30 am. All families are members of the RFA and are invited to join this monthly meeting. Rachel Schendler (Mae’s mom) at and/or Katie Kelly (Caroline’s mom) at welcome your emails with any questions and/or ideas!

November 3Student-led Family Conferences

November 15 — Support the Fall 2023 Revolution Membership Drive!  Please help us reach our goal of connecting with every family at Revolution School to raise $5000 with 100% participation by November 15, 2023. Our annual membership drive funds a wide range of Revolution School activities that helps our students and our school thrive. Membership is open to families, staff, students, and alumni! Donations are welcome from absolutely everyone. Please share this link with friends and family.

Environmental Science students dissect owl pellets to learn about owl eco systems.

Journalist Sarah Huffman is working this month with the Revolutions & Citizenship class on interviewing skills to prep for upcoming fieldwork at religious institutions.

Our inaugural Photography Class with University of the Arts — on Monday afternoons!

Wellness Class at Seger Park — students played basketball, pet dogs at the adjacent dog park, and hung out!

Grade 9/10

In Revolutions & Citizenship, ninth and tenth graders continued the study of world religions with a trip to the Cathedral Basilica of Ss. Peter and Paul. Next week, we plan to visit the Protestant Church of Saint Luke & the Evangelistand the Mormon Temple the following week. After our visits, the students will do a comparative analysis video project. After that we will begin our study of Islam.

Grade 11/12 

Open Air Chemistry: Eleventh and twelfth graders conducted “open air experiments” with thermometers, sunscreen, cookie cutters, tin foil, ice trays, wire, baking soda, and powdered sugar. Students tested the laws of chemistry and supported their Grand Challenge investigation. Ask your student about their findings!

Voice Lessons for Parents & Caregivers with Wendy Mogel, Parents Series, is now available to watch. Use the link below to access the Zoom recording of the 9/28 program. The recording for this program will remain live through December 2023. Parent Series: 9/28: Voice Lessons for Parents & Caregivers – Zoom Recording Access Link.

November 30 at 7:30 pmthe next in the series: How to Raise a Self-Driven Child with Ned Johnson.

Join author and expert Ned Johnson to learn why fostering a healthy sense of control is so important for childrens’ intrinsic motivation, success, mental health, and happiness. Parents and caregivers will learn how to pivot from manager to parent consultant, and how to be a non-anxious presence. Attendees will gain effective strategies to use with children ranging in age from tots to teens.

The Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC)

For the second year, Revolution School will send 4-6 students to the annual Student Diversity Leadership Conference, a 1600-student, national conference the week after Thanksgiving. The conference runs Wednesday, November 29 to Saturday, December 2 in St. Louis. Students who attend will engage in affinity groups, identity workshops, speaker keynotes, and a conference talent show. Revolution faculty and staff are currently finalizing the attendees from students who expressed interest following the conference info session last week.

Fundraising for SDLC! Text 1M8 to 71777!”

You can support our current fundraising efforts  by sharing our SDLC fundraising page and supporting your child’s Double Good popcorn selling efforts — the popcorn fundraiser runs Tuesday afternoon to Saturday afternoon (Oct 3–7). Funds will cover students’ airfare, lodging, and conference registration cost.

Class of 2023: Join the Alumni Council!
We are humbled and proud to welcome our new Revolution alums to our newsletter! The Revolution School Alumni Council proudly welcomes you. Our Alumni Council has 13 members. As a new tradition and growing group, we encourage all Revolution graduates to participate in all alumni activities. We would love to get updates about what you are up to, photos and news about your adventures. We welcome any and all updates, thoughts and/or suggestions on how we may best serve you, our Revolution Alums, and growing community. Revolution plans to host two alumni events/meetings this year, and we would love you to join us with the planning! Please email if you are interested.

REVchat Update

REVchat is Revolution School’s new internship program that hires students as cultural consultants. 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students will receive training on team building, communication, and cultural consulting, join an innovative startup team of their peers and seasoned professionals, conduct cultural consultations for businesses and non-profit organizations, and get paid for their hard work. The REVchat team is currently preparing for its official launch in January 2024. Be on the lookout for more updates and an upcoming informational session about how students can apply to this innovative future ready program. Questions? Contact Chief Advisor, Roger Lee, at

Do you have news or announcements that you want to share with the school community? Is there information you’d like to see featured here? Please share your ideas! Email

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