October Birthdays: Patrick Cassidy (10/2), Kai-Lang Yang (10/7), Amelia Holmes (10/12), and Sudan McNair (10/20)!
The Phillies are working their way through these Arizona Diamondbacks games — will they clinch the National League Division Series and advance to the World Series? Let’s hear it for our wild card boys! Go Phils! ⚾
Things to do in Philly this Fall — Check out this great list in The Philadelphia Citizen
This week’s spotlight is on Revolution Students and their partnership with the PPD! Thank you to the Philadelphia Police Department for introducing our students to Listening Circles. Andrea Lawful led a fishbowl-style conversation which allowed students to remain the center of the discussion. The goal for these meetings is to intentionally engage with the youth of Philadelphia to better understand current youth experiences with — and attitudes and perceptions towards — the PPD. Together, we can build understanding and empower individuals to be their best selves. They also brought Chick-fil-A to share with the students!
? 2023-2024 Advisors: Families, please reach out to your child’s advisor with any questions that you may have as we begin the new year.
- Grade 9/10: Sydnie, sydnie@revolutionschool.org
- Grade 9/10: Patrick, patrick@revolutionschool.org
- Grade 11/12: Dirk, dirk@revolutionschool.org
- Grade 11/12: Joel, joel@revolutionschool.org
Revolution meets Allen Iverson
Revolution School was invited to join Allen Iverson, 76ers owner, David Adelman, and Qunicy Harris to experience a tv style moment to discuss the 76ers — past, present and future as well as the new stadium at a pop-up studio at 9th and Market. Students participated in the filming and got a sneak peek at what it takes to create a press conference with a controversial topic. Many thanks to Revolutiuon School Board member Marshall Mitchell for sharing this opportunity with Revolution School. Go Sixers!
Our first Revolution Family Association Potluck!
Families, faculty, and community members joined us last night for a Revolution Family Association Fall Family Potluck! Everyone was encouraged to bring a favorite dish that represented their culture or a dish that they simply enjoy as a family. Special thanks to Rachel (Mae’s mom), Katie (Caroline’s mom) and Shakila (Hailey’s mom) for leading this successful initiative! We look forward to more exciting events hosted by this wonderful new team. Remember that everyone is a member! Please join us for the next Revolution Family Association (RFA) Meeting on Thursday, November 2 at 7:45am-8:30am.
MAP Testing
MAP Testing is an assessment tool that measures growth in math, language arts, and reading. We will be administering MAP testing on Wednesday, October 25. Students should prepare for this testing by getting a good night’s sleep and eating breakfast! We will have a modified class schedule with an early dismissal once testing is complete. Please see the details below.
8:45-10 Test 1 (Math)
10:15-10:30 BREAK
10:30-11:30 Test 2 (Reading)
11:30-12:30 LUNCH
12:30-1:30 Test 3 (Language Use)
1:30 Dismissal
Please sign up for our Student-led Parent/Advisor Conferences (in-person) — Friday, November 3. Schedule your student-led meeting with their advisor to check in on Quarter 1 progress and set some goals for Quarter 2!
Check out our kids on WHYY’s website!
When Revolution School hosted author CJ Gross at UArts last week, WHYY came out to interview our students while they worked on their zip code collages exploring identity and neighborhood. Their work reflected the concepts of CJ’s book, “What’s Your Zip Code Story?”
Click this link to read about it: U of Arts students make collages inspired by their ZIP code stories
Support Fall 2023 Revolution Membership Drive! Please help us reach our goal of connecting with every family at Revolution School to raise $5000 with 100% participation by November 15, 2023. Our annual membership drive funds a wide range of Revolution School activities that help our students and our school thrive. Membership is open to families, staff, students, and alumni! Donations are welcome from absolutely everyone. Please share this link with friends and family.
Suggested annual donation for each family is $200, but larger amounts are greatly appreciated. To donate by check, please make it payable to Revolution School and send it to: Revolution School, 230 South Broad Street, Floor 19, Philadelphia , PA 19102 — or Text 1M to 91999
UArts Open House
With the connections this week at University the Arts, several students have asked about college programming. UArts Dean, Sheryl Oring, who joined our Zip Code Collage Making workshop, shared the following details for the upcoming UArts Open House.
“UArts Fall Undergraduate Open House is an opportunity for juniors, seniors and transfer students — and up to two guests — to learn about UArts programs. Sessions about our academic programs will run multiple times, so students and guests can learn about several areas, meet faculty and current students, find out what makes our curriculum and community unique, and see our studio facilities.” — Dean Sheryl Oring
Campus and residence hall tours will also be available, and visual art, design and film students can receive preliminary feedback on their portfolio. UArts Fall Undergraduate Open House will take place on Saturday, October 21st, 2023 from 9am–1pm. Click this link to register!
Saturday October 21 — UArts Open House, 9am–1pm (see above in Announcements for registration)
Wednesday, October 25 — Early dismissal at 1:30pm | MAP Testing
Wednesday, October 25 — Student Bake Sale in support of the Student Leadership Conference in St Louis.
Thursday, October 26 — Student Bake Sale in support of the Student Leadership Conference in St Louis.
Friday October 27 — School Closed for Professional Development; End of Quarter 1.
Thursday November 2 — Revolution Family Association Meeting, 7:45am–8:30am. All families are members of the RFA and are invited to join this monthly meeting. Rachel Schendler (Mae’s mom) at Rmschendler@gmail.com and/or Katie Kelly (Caroline’s mom) at katie.kelly2005@gmail.com welcome your emails with any questions and/or ideas!
Friday November 3 — 1/2 day | Student-led Family Conferences.
Wednesday November 15 — Support the Fall 2023 Revolution Membership Drive! Please help us reach our goal of connecting with every family at Revolution School to raise $5000 with 100% participation by November 15, 2023. Our annual membership drive funds a wide range of Revolution School activities that helps our students and our school thrive. Membership is open to families, staff, students, and alumni! Donations are welcome from absolutely everyone. Please share this link with friends and family.
Help Make a Difference! Text 1M to 91999
Wednesday November 15 — What Every Parent Needs to Know Now about Paying Less for College at 7pm. If you have a college-bound student currently in 9th–12th grade, save the date for a very important parent-education webinar. Early preparation is often key to ensuring your child’s college options without sacrificing your financial well-being. Attend this live Zoom event from the privacy of your home. Register Now and Save the Date!
“This event is geared toward parents of 9th, 10th, & 11th grade students. I personally found it very helpful for financial planning for my own children who are both in high school.” –Joel
Sudan going the distance… formula, that is!
Avery — hands of a surgeon!
Teamwork makes the dream work in Robotics elective!
Spanish students take their unit 1 test on present-progressive verb conjugation, family vocabulary, and 1st-person possessive pronouns.
Dirk shows students the article they were featured in on WHYY’s wesbite reflecting their Zip Code collage project at UArts.
Another successful week in the books at Revolution School!
This week we visited the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, generally referred to as Mormons. We learned about how the building is used for specific ceremonies such as celestial marriage, and baptisms of the dead. These ceremonies are performed during the week, and in fact, the Temple is not even open on Sundays when Mormons attend church services.
Lunch at the Reading Terminal Market.
The Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC)
For the second year, Revolution School will send 5 students to the annual Student Diversity Leadership Conference, a 2000-student, national conference the week after Thanksgiving. The conference runs Wednesday, November 29 to Saturday, December 2 in St. Louis.
Revolution School will host a Bake Sale on Wed Oct 25 and Thu Oct 26. If you would like to send in baked goods we invite you to send them in on Tuesday or Wednesday to give students time to prepare for the packaging and pricing for the inaugural Bake Sale in support of the Student Leadership Conference in St. Louis!
Class of 2023: Join the Alumni Council!
We are humbled and proud to welcome our new Revolution alums to our newsletter! The Revolution School Alumni Council proudly welcomes you. Our Alumni Council has 13 members. As a new tradition and growing group, we encourage all Revolution graduates to participate in all alumni activities. We would love to get updates about what you are up to, photos and news about your adventures. We welcome any and all updates, thoughts and/or suggestions on how we may best serve you, our Revolution Alums, and growing community. Revolution plans to host two alumni events/meetings this year, and we would love you to join us with the planning! Please email justine@revolutionschool.org if you are interested.
Do you have news or announcements that you want to share with the school community? Is there information you’d like to see featured here? Please share your ideas! Email justine@revolutionschool.org.
Connect others with the Revolution Newsletter by forwarding this email or sharing this link to subscribe to the newsletter!