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Weekly Newsletter #16

Published on Friday, December 3rd

Behind the scenes ?Celebrating Sodd’s return to in-person school!

Join Us for Parent Hour on Monday Night!

Don’t miss our monthly Parent Hour on Monday, December, 6 at 7:00 PM.

Join the ZOOM Room:
Meeting ID: 819 4099 4911 Passcode: 967526

Bring in Water Bottles

Help us reduce waste! Please encourage students to bring in a reusable water bottle (labeled with their name) for drinking water throughout the day. We have a filtered water dispenser for refills.

Zooming In Policy Reminder

In-person schooling for fully vaccinated students continues to work well. Meanwhile, we offer the virtual option for unvaccinated students, or in-person students who need to stay home due to illness. But Zooming in for any other reasons (like convenience) is NOT an option we can offer to our vaccinated, in-person students. If you have questions, please reach out directly to Mike Pardee:

Opportunity for Students!

Our friends at PhillyCam are offering a free 2-day youth photography workshop for students age 14-21! Interested? Click HERE for the details.

Today’s field work follows on the heels two College Counseling classes. We took all students to Haverford College for a campus tour to see what a small suburban liberal arts college is like. We will also spent time in a physics lab and at the observatory. Next Friday we will bring the 11th and 12-grade students to tour Drexel University so they can see a large, urban university. 9th and 10th graders next week will get a special tour of the Free Library’s Teen Center and Rare Books Center. -Joel

On the go —> classroom to community!

December Parent Hour
Monday, December 6, 7:00 – 8:00 PM,
Join the ZOOM Room:
Meeting ID: 819 4099 4911 Passcode: 967526

School Closed Winter Break
Monday, December 20 – Friday, December 31

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