SAT Updates
Practice SAT: There will be a practice SAT for 11th-graders on Tuesday, April 26 at Revolution School starting promptly at 8:30 AM. Students must bring a calculator.
SAT: Almost all 11th-graders have signed up for the REAL SAT on Saturday, May 7 at St. Joe’s Prep. Parents should drop students off at 18th and Girard. Doors open at 7:45. Students must bring a calculator and an admissions slip. Joel will provide admission slips to students who have registered closer to the date.
Washington D.C. Field Expedition
We are planning an inaugural day trip to Washington DC to visit the National Museum of African-American History & Culture and to explore the Capital on Wednesday, May 18th.
All students are expected to attend, and we invite all parents to join us! Revolution School will cover the museum entrance fees and transportation for parents and students. Complete THIS FORM by Tuesday, April 19 to give your student permission and to let us know if you would like to join us.
Upcoming RVLTN Family Circle: Thursday, April 21
Join 11th-grade parent Gina Moore for a family circle focused on college and life after Revolution School. This will be an opportunity for families talk with one another, share ideas, and support one another.
When: Thursday, April 21 @ 5:30
Where: Revolution School
REVternship Expo: Friday, April 22
This summer, all 11th-grade students will participate in the REVternship program, a paid work and learning experience with partners of Revolution School designed to “rev” students’ purpose and passion (overview HERE). At next Friday’s Expo, 11th graders will meet host organizations and flex their interviewing skills!
New Opportunity! Sustainable Cities After School Mini-Course
Revolution School is partnering with Penn Charter’s Center for Public Purpose, Fulphil, and WeLovePhilly to offer a 5-week afterschool mini-course (April 27 – May 25) focused on four specific issues in our city: food access, recidivism, clean air, and clean water. Revolution School students are invited to learn more and sign up HERE.

School of Thought students are piloting a new meta-cognition program using mental models developed by Farnam Street. This week we began the first module, “The Map is Not the Territory.” In this photo, students are collaborating to notice the similarities and differences in Philadelphia maps. Next week they will use maps to build a walking tour of our Philadelphia One Read, My Broken Language.

Dr. Argie and her partner, Morgan, with Anthony whose Big Idea Project helped inspire Revolution to bring Dr. Argie in!

Erica Woods returned from the Villanova Admissions Office to work with 11th graders on interview techniques in advance of next Friday’s Revternship Expo. Each student developed their own 30-second “elevator pitch” and then practiced it with Erica in the hallway.
School Closed (Easter & Passover)
Friday, April 15 – Monday, April 18
RVLTN Family Circle (details above RSVP HERE)
Thursday, April 21, 5:30 PM
May Parent Hour
Monday, May 2, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Join the ZOOM Room:
Meeting ID: 819 4099 4911 Passcode: 967526
School Closed (Eid al Fitr and PD Day for Staffulty)
Tuesday, May 3
Last Day of School
Friday, June 10
Graduation & Moving Up Celebration
Saturday, June 11