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Weekly Newsletter #58

Published on Friday, January 13th

Flashback to our Urban Air adventure!

What We’re…

💚 Sharing: We have raised $306,697 toward our goal of $1 million. You can help support Revolution School as a donor and a fundraiser. It’s easy! Please share the link to our giving page or sign up to become a fundraiser for our school. Simply set your own goal and share your personalized fundraising page with friends and family!

🎧 Listening To: Conversations of King: The Promises of Democracy, 1/16 at 1:00-2:30pm

🎂 January Birthdays: Maria, January 4th; Kysiir, January 23rd;  Aveon, January 25th!

🙏 Appreciating:  January is National Thank You Month! Revolution is celebrating gratitude: What have you done for others in the last week? What have others done for you? What have you done for yourself as an act of kindness? Don’t forget to share your appreciation and thanks!

Reminder! School is closed for MLK Day Monday, January 16.

Call for Google reviews! This national thank you month, we invite you to share your gratitude with a Google review that helps us stand out as we recruit students for the upcoming school year. It’s easy–from your smartphone, open Google Maps and search for Revolution School. Once you’ve found us, swipe up  and tap “Rate & Review.” Tap the star you would rate us (we’re hoping for 5!) and leave a comment. Here are some great examples:

Senior Portraits: Senior portraits will be taken by Holly James-Gordon, HJG Through My Eyes on Tuesday, February 7. More details on packages and ordering to come!

Help us get the word out and get prospective families in by sharing our NEW events page!

Re-enrollment Contracts:Contracts for grades 9-11 will be sent via email on January 20. We ask that you complete and return by February 15.

Keep an eye out for conference sign up information. Advisors will be reaching out via email with sign up information.

Community Gathering on February 6. Please plan on joining and sign up to bring a dish HERE.

Career Conversations with Real World Leaders

Students made their interviewing debut participating in a program called Real World Leaders Radio. Each month, we will be meeting with professionals across industries—VPs, CEOs, entrepreneurs. Students who chose to participate will start by engaging in two 45 minute discussions called Career Conversations this month and in February. In March, students will participate in the Real World Leaders radio show. The goal is to connect professionals with students and students with professionals.   

Our first conversation happened this Tuesday with interviewers Sodd Whitehead, Anwar Alcide, Jaida Lawrence and Maria Moore. Students met with Ms. Shalane Barrett, VP of Global Media for Culture One World and impressed them with questions like, “What do you think about workers’ recent trend in speaking up for themselves and their mental health?”  AND, “Are you team job hopping or team loyalty?”

Our next Career Conversation will take place on February 9th.

Field work update

Next Thursday, January 19th, students will be taking the WeLovePhilly bus to the Wissahickon Trail for a science expedition led by Dirk Parker. They will begin near the campus of Springside Chestnut Hill and hike to the water to collect samples and enjoy walking in nature walking.   

Thursday January 26th will be our second Opportunity Expo. Community partners from Sharing Excess, Saxby’s, FarmerJawn, Circular Philly and Broad Street Ministry will join us to share opportunities, learn about our students, and uncover potential collaborations. Students will have the opportunity to utilize the interviewing skills they’ve been building with our Report for America journalist Sarah Huffman.

  • Monday, January 16: School Closed (MLK, Jr. Day)
  • Friday, January 20: End Quarter 2 – Half Day for Students (Faculty report writing)
  • Wednesday, January 25: Quarter 2 Progress Reports sent home
  • Monday, February 6: Community Gathering 5:30 – 7:00

2022-2023 Academic Calendar
Access our full community calendar HERE.
You can also subscribe via iCal.

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