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Weekly Newsletter #75

Published on Friday, May 12th

Make sure to RSVP for Graduation & Moving Up Day


🎓 Honoring:  The Class of 2023! Join the Revolution Senior Family & Friends Gift Program!

đź‘Ť Planning: The Revolution Inaugural Junior Senior Prom (5/24) & Founding Class Graduation (6/10).

🎂 Celebrating May Birthdays: Anthony on May 5th & Arli on May 17th!

  • Senior Trip: Save the Date: Class of 2023 Overnight Trip ~ Thanks to the generosity of a wonderful member of the Revolution School community, we are pleased to launch our inaugural Senior Overnight trip on June 8-9th at Echo Hill Outdoor School in Worton, Maryland. The Echo Hill Outdoor School provides students with positive experiences in the outdoors that are exciting, interesting, and fun. Students learn more about the wonders of nature, the value of history, and the diversity of individual qualities. The Chesapeake Bay landscape will be our classroom!
  • Senior Parent Chats: Founding Parents! Before we celebrate the class of 2023, Jeanne would love to chat! Hearing about your experience – what you loved, and what we can do better – will help us to continue to improve and grow. Please sign up for your phone call here!
  • 9-11 Student Conferences: Join us for a year-in-review and summer kick-off! Please sign up for your conference here.
  • Junior & Senior Prom: The Prom is next Wednesday, May 24, at the Bellevue Hotel from 7-11 pm. If you haven’t purchased your tickets and completed your student and guest permission forms, click here. All students and guests must provide a permission form to attend!!  If you have any questions, please contact
  • Graduation & Moving Up Day: Saturday, June 10, 2023, at Estia, 1407 Locust Street (Right downstairs from Revolution School)! Senior families may include up to six guests and all other students may include up to two guests. To RSVP for the big day, click here.
  • We are seeking Family Ambassadors: current families who would be willing to welcome incoming families and serve as a mentor and resource. If you are interested in becoming a family ambassador, please contact Jeanne by email at

Voices of Revolution Students: What’s Your Philadelphia Story – Chinatown

This quarter students are engaging in a project woven into English, Art, History and Fieldwork. They have learned the basics of qualitative ethnographic inquiry and data collection through observation and interviews in their zip codes or in areas of interest. Last week, students used those skills on location in Chinatown. After lunch at a local noodle shop, students visited the “History of Chinatown” mural by Arturo Ho

and Mei-Ling Hom’s “China Wedge”, made of over 20,000 china tea cups, rice bowls and soup spoons.

They walked the perimeter of the proposed site for a new Sixers arena in Market East before engaging in a group exercise to explore different forms writing.

“When we first started walking, the potholes became obvious; they were large and crumbling ditches in the road. Dust flew up off the roads as cars tumbled down the roads, dipping in the potholes. The people of Chinatown were quiet today. Older ladies and men stared on as we passed, huddled together but quiet as a mouse. Older women stood on the step of their houses in silence.” – Ethnographic group

“The 76ers should not build a stadium downtown because of its impact on Chinatown safety, traffic and culture.” -Op-ed group

“Some say that a stadium would bring in business, but would that business bring in fights, destruction, or robbery?” -Addressing the counterargument

“In Philly people look at Chinatown as a place for food or sight seeing, but for the Asian community they see it as a place of comfort and culture.”-Hook


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